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Tip Up Accessories

Here are some links to products that we feel work great with the Bite Me Box Tipups.

Sled that fits 3-4 Bite Me Box Tipups for easy transport.

This sled is perfect for ice fishing with the Bite Me Box Tip-ups. It will fit three tip ups and a minnow bucket or four ice fishing tip-ups. It has holes down the edges to fasten bungy cords to hold the tipups in place. It is small and light enough for one person to lift into your truck with the ice fishing tipups in it. This sled is also constructed of very hard plastic to last for years of ice fishing. Keeping your Bite Me Box tipups in this sled make set up and take down a breeze. You just pull the sled around to your holes to load and unload them. Using this sled when Ice fishing is easier than carrying any other tipups around in a five gallon bucket.   

 Self Igniting torch kit for lighting charcoal

Using a self igniting torch like this one is a quick easy way to light the coals for your Bite Me Box Tip Ups when ice fishing. Hold the lit torch on the the coals for a few minutes so the top few coals light and your set to ice fish for 4-6 hours without having to skim your hole or worry about the spool freezing. Best part is you don't need  to worry about using lighter fluid. Ice fishing with your hole or tipup that is not froze up is the key to catching more fish. 

Stick lighter for candles

We have found that using a stick lighter such as this one when ice fishing with Bite Me Box Tipups is the best way to light the candles. If you can find the wind proof type lighter those are the best. Just keep one in your pocket while ice fishing all day and you should be set. The longer lighter is the trick for reaching down in side the heating can. 

Tip Up Lights For Night Ice Fishing

We have used these omni lights for ice fishing at night with the Bite Me Box Tipups. If you find another type of light that works well on the tipups please let us know so we can share that information with other ice fisherman. Be sure if you purchase omni lights you are getting the ones with the jaw type clamp and that they do not require you to put the line though the light to activate it as that application would not work on the tipups.